Minggu, 05 Juni 2011

<title> Guestbook </title> </head>  <body bgcolor="#99CCFF"> <font color="#000066" face=verdana> <h3 align=left> Signup Guestbook </h3> <form action="bukutamu2.php" method=POST> <hr size=1 width=100% align=left> <pre> Name    : <input type=text name=nama size=20> E-Mail  : <input type=text name=email size=30> Address : <input type=text name=alamat size=30> City    : <input type=text name=kota size=25> Message : <textarea name=pesan rows=5 cols=30> </textarea> </pre> <input type=submit value="Send">  <input type=reset value="Reset"> </form> </font> <font color="#000066" face=verdana size=2> <a href="bukutamu3.php">View Guestbook</a> </font> </body>

<title> Guestbook </title> </head>  <body bgcolor="#99CCFF"> <font color="#000066" face=verdana> <h3 align=left> Signup Guestbook </h3>  <?php require("utama.php"); $link=open_connection(); $tablename="guestbook"; $tgl=date("Y-m-d"); $pesan=addslashes($pesan); $sqlstr="INSERT INTO $tablename VALUES('','$tgl','$nama','$email','$alamat','$kota','$pesan')"; if (!mysql_query ($sqlstr))  {  echo("Invalid Query!<br>Please register again...<br>");  exit;  } mysql_close($link); echo("Thank you for signing up Guestbook...<p>");  ?>  </font> <font color="#000066" face=verdana size=2> <a href="bukutamu3.php">View Guestbook</a> <a href="bukutamu1.php">Sign Up</a>  </font> </body>

Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

Dear Clients and Partners!

We are glad to inform you that we have updated No Deposit “Welcome Bonus” to 2.0 version.

While creating a new version, we took into account all of our clients’ requests and increased the bonus up to $15 (1500 cents for an account). To learn more detailed information on the program and its conditions, please, visit our site, Forex No Deposit Bonus section.
